Thickness Measurement Tools for SRIM

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ThiMeT v1.0

Thickness Measurement Tool for SRIM

ThiMeT is a code for thickness calculation using SRIM ( stopping power values. ThiMeT code also can be used for the determination of the required thickness for energy degraders which are needed for nuclear reactions.
ThiMeT calculation is very easy and quick compared to the TRIM code calculation.
Comparision with TRIM code for common degrader materials; Be, C, and Al can be found at Documents.
Please cite ThiMeT code as “C. YALÇIN, “Thickness measurement using alpha spectroscopy and SRIM”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 590, 012050 (2015);


TTEC v2.4

TRIM Transmission Energy Calculation

TTEC is a code for  calculation of average transmission energy using "Transmit.txt" output file of TRIM Code ( ThiMeT also include TTEC code.


Last Update : 15.04.2015         © 2015 by Caner YALCIN